Home Shelf Appeal: A new trend to think about in 2021

In branding, shelf appeal has never been a foreign concept. But now progressive brand managers can take it a step further and consider “home shelf appeal.” This new trend of extreme home organization is getting an incredulous amount of attention on social media and streaming TV.

The goal is pretty simple: to tell a story of aesthetic uniformity with attractive packaging and bold colors. Whether in the pantry or refrigerator, products of similar colors are grouped together to create the perfect harmony.

These ambitious, organizing buyers make two choices: purchase items where the streamlined packaging will fit into the designed space, or remove all packaging after purchase and place items into a more appealing storage container. So how to make sure your branded packaging doesn’t get thrown out?

Solitary colors with very little wording.

Focus on the inside contents. If they are individually wrapped, you can for instance simplify all design down to solitary colors with very little wording. And some brands are already jumping on the bandwagon. Take Yogi Tea. The brand is successfully filling Instagram newsfeeds with their colorful tea packets, while still managing to showcase their brand label.

For more inspiration on this ever-growing trend, check out the thehomeedit, or the Instagram of thatorganizedkitchen and get in touch with us.

Text credits: ARD / agi

Images credits: direkshinz.co / thehomeedit.com / yogitea

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